30 June 2006
Blog Tag
Fornication - The act of making love
Frivilous - Inappropriately silly
Fabulous - A rapper in the US with a slow flow. Also means great I suppose.
PHAT(okay not an F but still pronounced the same) - Pretty Hot And Tempting
Fruity - Attracted to the opposite sex
Fugly - Fucken Ugly
F.I.L.F - An acronym for Fatty I'd Like to Fuck
Fa Sheezy My Neezzy - For sure my nigga
Facially Handicapped - A person who is unlucky enough to be ugly. Also known as a minger.
Fumble - Having the girl and doing something stuupid and fucking it all up. You fumbled.
Okay now I tag say Revo, Buzz, Peas(even though she's outta town) and anyone else...
29 June 2006
A Random Night
Anyway we eventually decided to go get a drink after dropping off some medication for my sick brother. His...erm...'friend' was in town from Bloem so we decided to take her out to at least see what's the gonzo in the streets.
PS - If you though JHB was cold...you aint felt shit! JHb aint got nothing on Bloem.Went to some spot called the Kitchen Bar. Twaz my first time there and I'd heard all this stuff been said about it. Nice place alright...but I think it's a bit over-rated. (I know the pic is shitty aight, 'scuse me)
We went to check out The Rock. Oh remember the time when I said the movie Bunny Chow went to The Cannes Film Festival? He was one of the guys...
...and so was TrouserSnakeDave and Jonny B who were also in the flick. I think they actually got back from France quite a while back but I hadnt seen them since.
This is the funniest dude out. Oh and you wonder why they call him TrouserSnakeDave? Well kids, lets save that story for another time. Besides, no major points for figuring that one out.
Anyway we lounged and did the thing you do when you doing what you gotsa do. I tell ya what, this girl was a bit weird for me. She didnt say nothing the whole. I mean NOTHING. It was just a bit strange that we were with her the whole night and she didnt say one word prompted. See, these are those quite types from outta town. I've never trusted the type. It's like they got too many skeletons in the closet. Too afraid to speak cause a bone gona come flying out her mouth.
The Rock and Ms. KeletonsOooh, artsy!
Anyway we got outta there and found ourselves at Six were I bumped into long-time-no-see L with her friend otherL(on the right). L's quite a fun chica.
So I figured so what if its Wednesday, why not have a tequila. They didnt seem too sure.
"Yes I said 5"
Okay, maybe that wasn't such a good idea. Look at her face. HAHAHA! Jose baby, he'll make you squirm!
27 June 2006
Rock n' Roll Part 2
ANYWAY, so from the evening before I got like I think about 45mins to an hour of rest. I just dont get it man. I tried to go to sleep but to no avail. So after moping around the house feeling slightly on edge cause I could get back to sleep I figured the best way to get back into the my jovial mood was to have a brewskie or two and maybe go see what's the gonzo on the streets.
So got to Rosebank cause Prokid was having a party there and shit(I think it was his birthday or something). Soon as I get there, Gem, Loy and Sis' Nan are already getting down. So I figured fuck it, why not get into the mix.
Oh and I bumped into Ole, who I havent seen in about 2 years. Jeez, she done changed!
My main man Q was there too getting his get-down on! Oh and obviously Sis was thuuur.
It's funny how when somebody has a camera and you're just taking pics these people just come out of nowhere and they wana take a pic with you. Like this girl here in the green. Just poppin into the mix nje.
I dont know who she is but, I wasnt complaining.
So we were all getting down and shit and these two super-blazing chicks walked into the club. I couldnt get a good pic of them actually but use your imagination. So you know how it goes, all the fella's in the area dont ever wana holla at the chicks cause they either too drunk or they too damn shy.
And all they do is stare. Just like The roy and Marty's faces. HAHAHAHA!!!! They're probably thinking: "Daaamn dawg, can you see that shit. Yo, I'd hit that shit." LOL! I can't hate though, I've done it before.
Relo and Flabba getsin' down. Flabba must be one of the craziest and funniest dudes out there. I would show the other pics but I'm not the type to put peoples business in the streets. And Relo...well she's just beautiful!
Choclate City represent!
After this point I took it upon myself to get my shit and get the fuck outta there. Things were about to turn real ugly and I would rather not be there to be partaking in the debauchery.
Till next time. I bid you a'due.
26 June 2006
Rock 'n Roll
So I got me'self a cold brewskie just in time for the soccer match. Bobby Digital, Casual T and me'self.
And Jacknife had also come thru to indulge in the pleasures of soccer and liqour
"Later on that day, my homie Dr Dre came thru with a gang of Tanqueray
And a phat ass J, of some bubonic chronic that made me choke. Shit...this aint no joke"
Snoop Dogg - Gin n JuiceNeedless to say, things turned a bit pear-shaped pretty quickly. I mean if anyone rocks their shades at night and are indoors then you know that it's either they are eccentric as fuck or their just fucked. No points for guessing which one Ogeezy was.
We rallied the troops and tried to see if we could get some female company. A sausage party is not my idea of fun. So we hit the streets. Geezy was done so we bid him farewell and went on our way where...
...I bumped into to long-time-no-see Miss G and her friend. And Pi sneaking in on the pic in the back.
Also Mkizzle was there with the ever-sooo-cute Miss G.
And saw HOVA too. If you look at an angle you'll see why we call him HOVA. Dont he look like Jay-Z?
And T was also in full effect.
Also bumped into Peto. Dang Dawg!
Who snuck in a sneaky tongue behind me. If you want the beef then just say so, there's enough to go around. HAHA!And the Nin who unfortunately has earned herself a red-card. On this there can be no debate! I shall say no more.
HAHA! So I look around and I thought this cat was talking on his celly or something. I look again and this cat was just concked the fuck out the chair and waving around like he was about to straight fall outta the chair. I tried to see if he was really out by getting closer but decided not to take the chance. I would have liked to fuck with him but decided to be a good boy(for once). Looks like he might have been having a nice dream too judging by the spot on his pants. WTF dude? LOL!
Crazy K striking a bright multi-coloured pose. So there is a gap in the evening where I dont really know what happened. I suppose the liks had it really in for me. Hence no picture taking. Or maybe I do know and I just dont wana tell ya. Some things are a bit raunchy for the public so you'll have to use your imagination. Anyway eventually we...
we found ourselves out and about in the sunshine cause...
...we had to get some breakfast so we ended up at Melrose Arch for a hard-to-swallow breakfast of champions of eggs and bacon. Yum!
And somehow or other we ended up at a nursery...
...shopping for Bonsai trees. Yeah sure they look nice but I still dont get what the hype is about.
30+ hours and no sleep. Holy crap, I must be crazy...
Yeah...I'm Jealous Too

Holy freackin' crap! Okay so I just have to mention that my big bro is on his way up. Where you might ask? Well let me give you the background. So we lounging out on the Saturday just having a chilled out time as we always do and he gets the call of his life. So unless you didnt know whenever the Soccer World Cup finishes, the country next hosting the event does the closing ceremony. So him and a bunch of other artists from SA are going to be performing at they Fifa Soccer World Cup Closing Ceremony on the 9th of July. Can you beleive that shit. He's leaving for Germany in the next couple of days. I'm so proud...but I'm jealous too
23 June 2006
The Bowls

Anyway this whooole post has just been a detour about the evening because I was just stalling so that I could show you...

Yeah and that was it for the night. Nothing spectacular.
But my head she banging. She is banging very hard. Two cheers to midweek piss-ups!
21 June 2006
Belly Up

Okay this I had to say. So yesterday my brother was chilling at some movie-set doing a shoot for something. Now if you've ever been on a set then you'd know that there is usually catering there and they hook you up with all sorts of chow. Anyway while they were chilling there getting their eat on, all of a sudden this big ass truck full of cops rocks up. I forgot what they are called...not the Caspers but the other ones that look more like Toyota Hilux's. Whatever.
Anyway so these cats rock up and the Inspector straight goes to the catering table and stacks his plate the fuck up. I mean really stack his plate sky high. And he didnt say shit! Just straight up walked up to the table and helped himself. Okay maybe this cat's burger is a bit excessive but you get the point right. That's what it looked like. So he whistles a tsjovitsjo(or a vluit in Afrikaans) there and calls the rest of his boys to come join the party. There were about 8 cops in total and they all got down and dirty. Mind you the director and everyone else on the set were flabbergasted. Besides what could they say? These are the cops. So my bra goes to the one Constable who didnt want to eat and asks him, "Hey dude why arent you also chowing down?". He says "Well I dont feel comfortable eating because we are actually on our way to a call, somebodies just been hijacked". These are the people that protect us.
TRUE STORY. Promise! Cross my heart and hope to die!