24 April 2006

Breezy(Read: Phucken Cold!!) Monday Morning

So for those of you dont know, I recently got myself a Vespa to get to work and do my creep-creep missions on a regular basis. So I dont know what the tempreture today was but Gawd-Damn!!!! I almost froze my nuts off. It was mutha fackin cah-cah-COLD! I know, I know, peeps are always telling me well what you gona do when it gets cold and what about when it rains and all that. Ive always kinda ignored them giving them the cold shoulder(excuse the pun) but today I seriously am disappointed in my lack of judgement in buying some gloves. I came into the office looking like a freaking prune and had to endure being the laugh of the day from my man Muzi(who's a work buddy of mine). Damn you winter, DAMN YOU!!!!! ***sniffle***

Yeah I actually took a pic of my hands and my face just to give you an indication of what I had to go through but unfortunately left my equipment so there is no uploading today. Yes I know, bad guy! Anyway fuck it, I mean who wants to see my wrinkly, pruny mits anyway right? I guess I'll have to salvage that by showing you a pic of....

...my bitchin wheels!! Can you say PIMP MOBILE?!?! Yes fellas, tell your girlfriends to hide and warn your lady friends. Someone's about to get their heart broken. So hold onto your panties ladies!HAHAH! Yeah she's a sweet ride, but I'm still strugglin to get a name for her. Ive had a few but they were quite gay so if you have any then lemme know.

Damn, it's a pity I didnt take any pics of the weekend, but I solemly swear to do so soon and get a bit up-to-date picture thingy goin on the site. Many an escapade to be caught I promise ya! So have a coke and a smile and chill the fuck out...

Well, onward and forward my good lads, till the next update. 'El yay!

21 April 2006

A night on the town

Good Day!

So this is just another test just to see how the photo essay thing will go. Anyway these are pics from quite a while back but because they are the ones that are the closest to me I'll just give you a bit of an overview of the events of the evening.

So anyway i'd been invited to a dinner for Camel and had taken a friend of mine the lovely Liv-Luv, Olive-Juice. Went thru with The Roy(aka Sugar Ray Nuts) and his "date". I put it in inverted commas cause we both know(me & Liv) that that was the dodgiest date ever...Job or Pussy...Job or Pussy. HAHAHA! So afterward we went thru to Melville were we bumped into Soulman....

....who looked like he was about ready to lay the smack down on the Roy. Actually that wasnt the case at all. I just took the photo at an odd time and this is how it came out. Either way, I'd put my money on The Soulman hands down!

Anyway luckily enough, Koko came in just in time to bust his groove. Just as bottles were about to break the two big men were able to settle situation(and believe me, these guys' are hefty fellows, they make make my thigh look like their forearms! HAHAHAH!). Thank goodness, cause i was too busy...

...gettin some lovin on the side. My mojo was in full effect baby, hell even Liv couldnt resist! They dont call me Suave for nuthin. Holla!

Okay testing testing. Put some comment in and tell me if this worked out aight!


20 April 2006

My First Pic. Yay!

Yup thats me. Handsome fellow huh? Nah just playin. Hmmm, i wonder just how safe it is to post your pic on the interweb. Well guess we'll have to see.

Anyway I took this pic at a braai(that's a BBQ for those who dont know) we had at a friends house. These guys, mind you they were at last 5 years older than me, were acting up like real fools. This is me doing my best *tsk tsk tsk* face. Hahaha!


Orale Hombres

Yeah this is the official first post for my blog. Jeez i cant believe I actually started my own blog. And fuck you if you dissing, I aint no nerd! Guess the boredom of work allows for such distractions. Well in any case welcome. My name is SuaveBona(well not really but...well, you know) if you wanted to know. Im actually really new to all this stuff so we will grow together. My plan or my 'Mission' is for this to be a photo diary and a place where i can holla at my peeps I guess. Im not really a word person or whatever, so dont expect me to spit rhymes and verses or to deeply soul-search with long winded poems. Fuck that! I'll leave that to the fake rastas of Melville and Obz. Anyway...

Lets get it on.