8 September 2006So a week ago I had decided to go and hang out with one of my favourite people in the blogosphere, the one and only Buzzin'Fly. Yeah I know this post is about a week late and she has already posted it up but so what. That's how I roll in this bitch! But it's weird how the whole blogging thing has cemented some relationships with some genuinly good poeple who I probably would have never met otherwise. And here I was all scared and shit that some hectic should would happen if I posted my pic on the interweb but look where it led me. Guess I mustnt speak too soon. Anyway...
...before I went through to check out Buzz, I figured I'd start out at the good ol' Bowling club to knock back a coupla cold ones. Got there and bumped into JVZ who was hanging with his boys and girls and what not.

After having knocked a few one we were nicely inebriated. Notice if you will that I'm wearing a tie and a shirt. WTF!!! I have no idea but I was feeling like a bit of a change from the normal. I'd do it again too.

Time flies when you getting pissed doesnt it? Eventually we were getting kicked out cause we had been around a bit too long. So we sneaked out a beer or two out and headed in the direction of...

...Fuel Cafe. Whoooo.

After sifting through the masses I eventually got her. And there is she is ladies and gentlemen. The lovely BuzzyBoo! She's on her way outta SAfrica soon so I guess this was kinda her farewell(for me at least) and also twaz her friends birthday. This chica is crazy I tell ya, and cool too. CrazySexyCool like TLC. ;)

Me and the Twigglemeister strike a pose sohn! Ya heard!

The Karaboh was in the house too with this guy. Sorry chap I forgot your name. So they had all come from the Mattafix concert and were all feeling rather randy and jovial with themselves. At least from what I could tell. Next thing I look over and B has this look in her eye, like she's about to do a little somefing-somefing. Could she be?

She is! She planted a big wet one on her. Uh-oh!

And The Karaboh planted one right back onto her. Girl on Girl action. That's what I'm talking about.

You know how's me do. Keepin it Gangstarr!!

I seriously need to quit these motherphuckers. But everytime I try to leave they just keep pulling me back in. I should have just said no to that hippie kid in Std 6 who offered me my first one. Ah well...

Now if that aint a dope pose then I dont what is. Holding it down I tell ya!!

So we chilling and shit and shooting the shit and B's going on about the Mattafix guys and all that and next thing you know...

...this motherpucker pulls the most ugly ass looking face I is ever seen. Daaaaang Dawg, that's fucken nasty! Now he done strated some shit. For those of you who dont remember about the
WTF Face Off then do yourself a favour and go catch up on the story of how this all started. Seriously, go do it now or else you'll have no idea what the rest of the story is about. Done? Cool, let's continue. Okay now Twiggle decides to...

... pull out the face upon me and think I dont have the swift comeback moves. HAHA! Nice try there chappy but lemme tell ya...

...you aint got nothing on this! Yeah, I come from the old-school BOY so you can't fuck wit my shit.

Some one else decided to join the shenanigans and I pulled out the face with the quickness and shit! Wha-Pow! But I gotta give it to her though, she had the ill comeback with the WTF face. One of the best I've seen so far. Been practising eh Buzz?

She tryed to bring it back but...erm...yah. Well I shall say no more. Five for effort though. And zero for extra support. Boo! You cant have help, besides the guy's got the pout pose going down right there.
Yeah after a coupla Teh-Kill-Hers I decided to be outty cause if I stayed any longer this girl was gona put my liver in a coma. Enjoy England Buzz, you'll be missed that's for sure!