11 December 2006

Blinded By The Lights

So I went a bitjie big on Friday. Yeah actually I went EXTREMELY big. You can't really blame a brother can you? I mean I had a lot of things to be happy about. I mean there was the innerview on SAfm(which went pretty well I think) and also cause it's December and also that I'm going on holiday to Mozambique soon and that I'm having a solid good time with a certain somebody *wink* *wink*. Yeah I guess a lot of them are small things but like they say it's the small things that count right? So I had to go big. But lemme warn you before hand, there aren't many pics cause I was really not on camera duty! I'm neglecting my responsibilties nowadays. Alas, this be what the gonzo!

PS - I also found out that I have about 60 new readers on Fluffy Dice one of which is parent of a friend and also a blogger. ???. Anyway, welcome guys sit back, relax and peruse at your pleasure. Oh and in case you were wondering, I wont be changing myself or my style of writing for nobody even if I do have more readers so don't expect me to change for shit! Hell I'm just excited and amazed that people give a hoot about what I do. Anyway let's get on with the post. Holleration!

So check this out, I'm going to give you one guess as to what this is...Come on now try and guess.
No luck? Okay, brace yourself. This, my friends, is see Glass Rizla. Yes you heard me correctly, Glass Rizla. What does that mean you ask? Well to put it bluntly(he he he) it's see-through Rizla!!! I was amazed myself! What will they come up with next? So I was meant to go to some place out in Sandton but then I got home and got KTFO as soon as I put my ass on the couch! So I got up and went to grab a beer at the local drinking hole. Where I bumped into Sedi who I haven't seen in like...forever! She's just back in JHB to visit family for the holidays. We go back like to High School and what not. Anyway so I was with my main partner in crime. Check out the Missy Elliot grill I got on. HAHA! And then he came out and wanted to catch a motherphucker with a game that I started. So I said to him: "Come on guy, if you wanna pull out the tricks then don't go around the corner and try be all sly about it. Bring it for real homie!" HAHA! Not bad. Shit, it looks like you caught your parents shagging or something. LOL! I would have that kinda face if that happened to me, not to mention be scarred for life!
But I'm the master of this shit dude! You can't fuck with me when it comes to this ya'mee!?!?! HAHA! Anyway we continued the evening and I will admit that I got extremely crunk. So crunk in fact that I neglected my obligation to hook up with a coupla people who were really mad at me for not having hooked up with them. So guys, if you're reading this then just know that from the bottom of my heart that I'm sorry. Well not REALLY but just to make you feel better, we'll do it officially soon neh? Sharp sharp! HA HA, I keed! No for real, my bad. So we also hooked up with Obiwan Kenobi who was also looking for the vibe but to no avail so we were fresh outta luck. This cat is like the most unlikely Joburger ever. A Capetonian in Joburg exterior. Anywya so got to do more chilling, shooting the shit and making fun of this, that and the third. So check this right, I'm not going to get into detail but I really REALLY fucken hate the gate-keepers at the Bowls. Officially! Fucken pricks! Almost make me wanna boycott the whole place! I've bitched and moaned 'nuff times now, I've had it with those sonzabitches! I'm plotting some sweet sweet revenge. Ah yes, it's going to be great! So we decided to get the fuck outta there and this fool thought he could catch me with the WTF but I brought the beat back quick and fast! Nah cat, you gonna have to wake up pretty early in the morning to pull a fast one on me! HAHA! This was Sofa King Funny! So we were discussing what would you do if you got into some or other type situation where you had to bail quickly and the car was in your way? Or if you found some squint guy just blasting shots in every direction and you had to duck. Or if you got caught at some girl/guys house that you weren't meant to be at. Or...well you get the idea. What are you going to do? The Magnum P.I. dive!!! There to get get you out of the stickiest of situations. HAHA! I was rolling on the ground after Twiggle showed me this! He's proper perfected that shit, like he's been practicing it forever. HAHAHA! Anyway we were almost about to go home then we got a call that it was on and popping out in Newtown. And boy oh boy was it on. So we went through and this is all the blacks getting down and drrrty. Locked and loaded buddy!
More blacks getting down and dirty. HAHA! Check how we both got this guy at the same time.
KB was also in the house. Ain't seen this cat in a long ass while! He proper cut cats off when he came to Jozi. It's all good player, I ain't mad at ya. But when the tables have turned? So I gave the camera responsibilities to Twiggle for the rest of the night and the next coupla pics are his. I think Bee was was trying to break down into a gangsta prison pose... ...but then I busted in that joint and showed her 'zactly how it meant to be done. HAHA! Hosh nogolosh! Wie is jy in die dronk jou ma se ****!!! HAHAH! Twiggle and his guy-friend. I'll be honest, I forgot your name dude but if it's any consolation you were a cool guy.
So next day I check the pics from the day before and I notice that for some or other reason there was just a huge dude-fest on my cam. WTF Twiggle? Why you taking so many guy pics dude, are you trying to tell us something? HAHA! I'm not going to post up all the rest. This one is enough.
Oh shit, I also bumped into DJ Gumede in the mix too. Funny ass guy! So I met theses young girls there. I'm not trying to say anything cause they were 'suprisingly' entertaining, but fella's please watch out in the streets. I'll sum it up in two words: Jail bait! For real. Ask to see ID from now on cause you don't wanna go down for nothing like that yeah? Don't say I never told you! You see, now that's better right there!
Then we decided that it was time to get our asses outta there. So I'm going home and take the camera out cause I like to fuck with people on the road and pretend that the flash on my camera is the flash from a traffic light. Classic reactions I tell you. Anyway so the people we were giving a ride home asked me to take a pic of them. So I did. I'll never understand what the fascination with people wanting to have their pictures taken is. Actually nevermind that, cause I'm not one to talk seeing as I walk around with a cam all the time. Ah well... So somebody dared me that I would never put this pic up on the blog cause it's too embarassing. Well my friend I have news for you, I don't get embarassed. Purely cause I dont give a fuck what anyone ever thinks about me. So uhm pay up guy. I like my beer icy cold so fill 'er up and keep em coming.

Peaces and Outs


Anonymous said...

damn bra, about the jail bait, so young and so fly, how bad do they say jail is again?

Anonymous said...

damn bra, about the jail bait, so young and so fly, how bad do they say jail is again?

Suavé said...

HAHA! Bad enough for your fart to sound like a breeze through a tunnel. If you catch my drift! Not something anybody needs in their life!

Anonymous said...

so those are you real teeth and gums suavie...how very exotic. I like buwahahahahahah.

Suavé said...

Gingervitis aint got nothing on me. HAHAHAHA!!