07 December 2006

Section Five Fashion Show

So the Verdict is in: The blogging interviews of myself and Peas will be broadcast tomorrow (Friday 8th 2006) on SAfm (104-107fm) at 12:45 in the afternoon, and again on Monday on Radio 2000 at 1.10pm. Hold thumbs for me! You can listen to the innerview by following the link here.

Anyway, so last night I went out to some fashion show vibe out at Capello's in the centre of town. I don't care what people say, I'm still not convinced that being tall and skinny automatically makes you a hottie! I mean seriously who cares what the magazines say and who listens to them anyway? And besides these model chicks take themselves WAY too fucken seriously as well. All you do is look good honey, you not exactly winning Nobel prizes or breaking any scientific barriers by discovering the inner most complexities of periodic element Boron. Anyway, lemme not get into a rant and rave about these things.
I went to the Cappello's joint. Never been to this one before but it's quite a nice setup that's for sure. Proper in the centre of town(the clean side of course)
The models were doing their ramping thing and what not. I tried to get a nice pic(or at least a not-so-blurry one) but everytime I took one my hand justy started shaking and jerking all wild-like and then I couldnt get a good shot. I might need to get my shit checked out, HAHA!
So we was like right out in Ghandi Square. Now, for your information, Ghandi Square was notorious for being the place where school kids would go to after school and get all rowdy like with themselves before the Po-Po came in and sorted all that shit out. I mean would proper play dice, shoot the heroin(and other drug shit) and actually even have live sex by the bus-stands! And these kids are in like matric and less! I mean I was a bad"ish" kinda kid but I wasnt doing shit like they were doing. Maybe deface a statue here and there or destroy gardens or even deflate tyres and shit but that's about it you know. Tsk tsk tsk...the youth of today!
Speaking of which, I then see some guy proper taking a piss right out in the middle of the joint! I rest my case. HAHAHA!
Saw my long lost mate Blackmomma and her cuz Spunky...
...looking all good with their outfits and shit.
And captures some randoms having a good time.
Sat down had a drink or two and enjoyed the people going up and down show the ramps and what-not. It would have been nice to have some finger foods there to munch on but I'm not trying to perpetuate the situation that all black people like free things. But with that said, I will also say that like a wise man one told me: If it's for free, and it for me, I'll take three!!! HAHA
Anyway after the thing was done we went through to the good ol' 88 in Norwood where we bumped into some crazy folk. I would put the person's picture up but it would probably get her into a lot of trouble. And if you are reading this lady then I want you to know that I'm more than willing to save your ass from getting into a world of trouble by publishing your pic up here but please, dont ever-ever come to my house that late again and try and hang out and be all drunk-like when I got work in a few hours. It's just not kosher! You too guy!
Laz was showcasing her masterpieces too the masses at Cappello's and came for a quick one-two afterwards. But I think she was as tired as I was.
I don't know if you've ever heard of the guys from Dub Vaults but they were doing their thing at this place. I think it was the launch of their album. I've given it a listen too, it's not bad. In a I'm-chilled-and-not-trying-to-go-out-nowhere-and-make-babies-while-smoking-bongs way. Sneed was enjoying it.
And so were the rest of the fella's. But sometimes even the most rock-n-roll guy has to call it quits sometime. And this was my time. It's okay though, the fire aint outta these bones just yet.

Peace and Hair Grease!


Wezzo said...

Suave well done on the interview. You going to have to record it though, dont think i'll be around a radio at that time and plus, it would make for a great podcast.

Peas on Toast said...

Yeah dude, holding thumbs for us!

But I check you're already hob nobbing with the rich and famous-cum-beautiful people, hey hot stuff! :)

Suavé said...

Wezzo > Thanks dude, I still don't know how it happened to be honest with ya. But speaking of which do you know anyway I can do such a thing cause I'd love to have it recorded. And my days of having a cassette are WAY overdue! So any helpfull hints would be good.

Peas > Yeah tell me bout it babe! Why did you get me into this stuff anyway Peas? It's all your fault HAHAHAH! And erm...huh...what? Which people? HAHA! It's just the way I roll baby!

Suavé said...

I actually meant "My days of having a cassette tape are WAY over". But potaytoe/potarto...

Peas on Toast said...

I'm with you on the recording problems guy. No cassettes. My gran might have one though, so I'll check.

Wezzo said...

Yeah A-track years are long gone, I'm sure some blogging techie will tho - holding thumbs.

Suavé said...

Yeah guys, we need to make a plan ASAP. Cause it would be just tragic if we didn't get to play it for e'erybody. Any ideas?

Wow Dave, that my friend is a fantastic idea right there!!!! And how do you know that mail addy by the way? You guys go way back huh? *wink* *wink* HAHAHA!

Peas on Toast said...

Good call on emailing Michelle directly.

Although Suavie - I'm starting to regret tellign everybody about this....nerves, nerves,nerves...

Suavé said...

You know, I wasnt going to say anything until you did. But it's too late now. Let's hope Bronwyn made us a look good after they cut up the innerview. Phew!!! Here we go Peasypoo!

Big Hugs and Kisses!

Anonymous said...

That'll do pig, that'll do

Champagne Heathen said...

Yeah!!! Well done! You sounded very suave & sophisticated & relaxed.

Peas on Toast said...

You did so well Suave!
Loved it and had a good chuckle. I sound Poen Serious, but hey, who cares, it's over - woooooohhhhooooo!

Drinks please!

Revolving Credit said...

Suavy, nice one with the interview, but seeing as you gave your blogsite address and post pics of yourself, you're gonna get busted at work pretty soon.

Good thing youre moving to Cape Town.

Suavé said...

Whoo Hoo!!! Yeah you did sound kinda serious. I couldn't even imagine that was you. But well done there my pumpkin pie. You were superb!!!!

Suavé said...

Thanks dude! Yeah Rev I realised that too. But you're right. I'm gonna be outta this motherphucker soon so it's all good. But I highly doubt that any of the people hear listened to it. Besides they're all old and don't really dont use the net. Gawd I hope so!

Peas on Toast said...

He he he - Suavie I see you have the link above, but it doesn't play on my 'puter. Is it the whole interview? I'm gonna attach it to my blog mkay.

Anonymous said...

what do you work as by the way? and dont make me feel shit for not knowing.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah and just in case you did'nt know my earlier post was me congratulating you on the the whole radio thing ( just in case you never watched babe(the movie))

Suavé said...

Yeah fuck Peas it doesnt work on my 'puter too. But it's actually just the link to SAfm and not the innerview. Grinds my nuts I tell ya, but I'm sure there's a way we'll be able to find out if we can check it out.

Syph > Thanks dude! Well I...erm...do stuff in IT and stuff. Real boring stuff you know. I'm sure you can tell since I can blog all day long! And you should know damn it!! HAHA, I keed I keed!

Buzzing'Fly said...

Diud someone say bong?


WOW so much going on since i beemn gone over on dis side. NICE 1 fluff, gonna try hook up that link so i can hear.

Brave i say but cool nevertheless ;)

hope allgood and cooking in Jozi, keep up the oles and craziness 4 mwa ya.

will be thinking of ya whilst chillin in Amsterdam in 2 weeks.. take care fluff.

FJ said...

Hi its Twiggle's Dad keeping an eye..

Anonymous said...

Hau...did the show happen?
Missed the SAFM one on Friday so been trying to listen in on Radio2000 and nada.
Know what the deal is?

Anonymous said...

ey ..i just think Suave is damn hot!!! cant get enuf of him .. now ..thats what i call a fine brother..damn he'z hot!!!