So I came home and my brethren were lounging on the porch, chilling talking shit and what not. I think the topic of conversation revolved around this episode of Curb Your Enthusiam were Larry and Jeff were talking about the big V. So think about this for a moment, how many women complain about men having small dicks? Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe the woman has an unusually large vagina? Dont dismiss it so easily. Ponder on that for a second and lemme know what you think. I really thought it was quite funny! I still so. BWAHAHAHA!!!!
Oh and this, by the way, is the international sign for "Large Vagina" so be careful out there ladies. Dont say I didnt tell ya! HAHAHA!
Anyway, I had me one of these. It's great having a fridge purely dedicated to just liquor. See that froth on the top there? That's like all the icicle's and shit. I'm sure you can almost taste it in your mouth cant ya?
There's something so tranquil about my new place's porch. It's like really cool to see people walking around on the streets and doing shit where as before I was caged up in my house and hardly ever saw anybody. Real good.
Oh and then I had this amazing new drink(okay its not new alright but it's new to me). It's called the Flex Bender. Wah Wa Wee Wah!!!! Dude, I'm so fucking loving that shit. Get this, it's like a bourbon and lime....all in one bottle! Holy Crizzap!
So later on went to the place they called Roka. Went to go check out a performance or two. I was confronted by a rather annoying large cloud of smoke. Cant they just turn the fucken smoke machine off! Dang nabbit!
Anyway these two chicks came on. With nice harmonies and shit. Even went acappella to show they weren't faking it. I think the group's called Two Parts Black or something. Nice(ish) sound.
The joint...
...and it's people's
So the chick I had come to see came on. Her name is Fifi. DUUUDE!!!! I'm so fucken loving her shit. She has this like really clean sound about her, and if you close your eyes and open your ears, you could almost imagine you were listening to Billy Holiday or Ella Fitzgerald. Seriously. Oh and she can hold it down on the verses too.
How many female South African artists can you say that about huh? I know, I'm punting her shit but mark my words but she's going to go big. I'm telling you! Oh and I think she has like the cutest BIG eyes ever. So adorable!
So I'm chilling and watching her show and I look down and this is what I see. Fucken hippies!
The One's and Two's. Yeah you'll see me behind these motherfuckers one day. Okay it might be a long day away, but its still one day. HAHA!Khenzero. When was the last time you heard them play The Jackson a club! Whoo hoo!
As you can tell we were getting down. And actually it was like the first in like EVER I've danced in a club this year. Good on ya mate
So get this, Pi just decided to up and bounce and leave the city. Right there in the club. Fuck, I lost colour when he told me that. Fuck I'm still at a loss for colour. The bastard!
Kenny and Gusto fam(e). Cool cats just chilling minding the bidness.The Casual guy.
I told you have to get one of these everywhere I go. Ngwana wa batho o tswere ezzie e masepa!On the way back, we saw an accident. This shit really makes you think dont it? So buckle up if you reading this. Seriously, I wana hear from you next year aight?
It was Twiggle's birthday yesterday so he went and pulled out this little beauty. You dont know it? Well neither did I till yesterday. Apparently they have it in all the music videos when they talking about bitches and hoes and shit. I'll look out for it.
Can you tell I'm beaming over here! No, Im just fucked.
Me and my 'nug. Pity you had to go to Cape Town on your birthday man, but next week it's on like donkey kong bitch! Needless to say, I'm really tired while I'm writing this. But it will all go away...eventually.
Have a pleasant weekend all!
Yeh - Fifi's hot stuff for real. Too bad I missed the Roka party...eish.
Do you know if the radio statios have caught on to her...they are always so slow to.
Anybody know where one can buy her music?
Well as far as I know she's going on via Khenzero. This is all speculation of course. You can actually hear some of her tracks via his website. I'll have to do some investigating and let ya'll know.
Yeah dude, 'twas quite interesting. Actually go and holler at your boys about it and tell me what they say. If, of course, you guys are cool with talking about those kinda things.
Oh and yeah, I was, erm, locked up in the house this weekend *wink* *wink* so unfortunately nothing exciting happened. Well at least nothing worth showing in pics namean. Hey, I gotsa get mine right?
Nice1 fluff, wish i caught her.. also heard sum great things.
Why was there a smoke machine at a live gig, damn... and so would have enjoyed watching you dance cause u made it quiet clear that u dnt dance.. music must have been good. ;)
ps. Flexbender is the shit i tell you. was introduced shortly b4 i left, pity cant get it here...
nothing exiting happened? you got another big vagina again or something? suave man try to get something you can touch sides on next time man. The whole point of staying in is to have *FUN*
ps.... check ya mail re moz punk...;)
hey the suavester... dude, was in JHB on some work thing, so wanted to contact you but didn't. hope you're good though, but then again by the sounds of what you're been up to I'm sure you are. when you getting to the kaap? i'm only moving in jan, we must connect, ne?!?!
God Suavie you make me laugh!
What, pray, is the sign for a small vajayjay?
Retro > Oh word? It's all good, we'll leave it till next time yeah? I'm outty in about January too, I think I'm getting ansy bout this move. Nut more on that later. But we're definately going to link. No diggity, no doubt!
Peas > Hmmm...we never got that far but if I was to guess it would be your palms clenched together... as tightly as possible *wink wink*
Bring ya crazy cam too Zoo Lake on Friday night Suave ;)
yo. was surfing blogs and i found yours and i think it's kewl.
and i love your new place cos it looks like it is in the city? anyway, it's high, and i love high things.
and i love roka too. the crowd is ab fab and the music is even better. going there tonight actually. v excited.
okey dokes.. check ya around.
holla hops
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