...and got the congregation together at Zoo Lake for a coupla beers and blunts and of course loads of meat. The congregation settling into the day.
Now if you look closely you will notice that there are still no leaves on trees. This obviously means that we are still in the dead of winter. You might be thinking that we taking chances but I know you're thinking of doing the same thing innit?
Mighty Mel had come thru from Cape Town and was up to his old antics again. Watch out for this guy! He's a loose cannon I tell ya but he's still my boy!
Sbash and Sim soaking up the rays...and looking hippy. HAHAHA! Jus playin....righteous pimps!
We even got TT to come around and join in the fun since she's never available to do shit. But it's all good. I aint mad at ya.
And Ms DSL was also in full effect. Sis Nan in the back in her all white, drressing appropriately for the day. Good on ya!
And this kid who has to be the most energetic little fucker ever! I really love this picture though. Reminds me of the picture's my parents would take of us as little kids. I think we might even have some left in our photobooks. Aaah...memories!
TT and Polka shooting the shit. Strange what a small world this is innit? I think they know each other from PE or sumin'.
Shit apparently the liks were flowing sooner than I thought cause before you know it the Pace magazine poses were being pulled out. Sbash goes and pulls out this classic mother fucker(nice touch with the old school shades and Converse) but...
...A.L. wasnt having none of that and pulls out this pose. He wins hands down!
So we started playing a bit of footy...
... and the rules of the game are that you cant play without a drink in your hand. If you look closely you'll notice that every one has a drink in their hand
and you'll also notice the Soulman flat on his back. BIG BLUNDER! He started pointing fingers...
...but Mighty Mel wasnt having none of that shit. Dude, look at his eyes. He's ready to slap the taste out of his mouth. Word of advise if anyone ever looks at you like this, be scared. Be very scared! I think Mel was on the losing side so maybe that's why he was being so hostile. *Tsk Tsk Tsk*
Sneed wasnt having any of that shit either. They were all buddy-buddy as soon as you can say "Anyone for a beer?" HAHA!
Nan2 catching me catching her! Wow, I aint seen her in a while. But twaz good to see her in any case.
Pi and Tall Loy cold lamping!
Polka doing his cold lamping thing as well. I think this is also quite a dope pic!
No picnic would be a good picnic without a good game of cards innit? So I'm chilling watching the peeps play their game and I look down and I see...
WARNING: What you are about to see could disturb sensitive viewers and all who are very cranky about hygiene ~
...THIS!! AAAAARGGHH!!!! What the fuck is that? Wait in case you didnt see that shit right how about a close up...
....NASTY!!!! Dude, if I had a chick walk into my house let alone my bed with feet like that I would put my foot so far up her ass, the water on my shoes would quench her thirst!
Ya'll dont know nothing about this trick right here! This is the ghetto way of opening a beer. Got no opener and don't wana use your teeth? Holla at your boy!
Koko just got off the shift at Ultra Liquors and he brought his work home with him! HAHAH!
So we making all the food and shit. You know a bit of meat, chicken....
...and sausage, you know like you do. So I'm toiling my ass off at the braai stand making sure everyones happy and shit...
...and as soon as everything is served this is what happens. Have you ever watched Animal Planet? You know when the lion has made the kill and all of a sudden all the other motherphuckers get pushed out of the way so they can get their meal? Well...the picture speaks for itself. I mean I didnt even get me a little something something either. Hence me being able to take this pic. Sonzabitches!
Straight after that the winter reminded us that it's still around so we packed up our shit and went to Sneeds crib to finish off the liks. Was a good day. I suggest it to anyone who's keen.
Peace and Hair Grease!