So get this shit. Just the other I got off of work on my lunch break and I went to Century City to get my internet connection sorted out. Long story short, I went and grabbed a bite of lunch at the food court and what-not and decided to take a leak in little boys room after I was done. As I get in there I start to do my thing. You know, no biggie. As I'm handling my business I notice out the corner of my eye some guy who's doing the same thing I'm doin but he's being a bit shifty and restless. I pay this no mind. If there's one thing I've learnt in my years is not to make eye contact with people at the urinals. It's just not done. Period. So this guy finishes his business and washes his hands but the whole time I can feel he has his eye on me. So now its getting a bit weird and I hurry and do my business but as I'm about to leave I try to make eye contact to let him know I aint nobody's bitch. This aint fucken Pollsmoor you know. He leaves. I wash hands. I dry hands. I leave. As I get out I notice he's hanging out in the wings kinda waiting for me. WTF.?. I step in his direction, I kinda had to cause that's how I was leaving. As I get to the end of the corridor I take a left and he goes the other way. Phew! Know here I am thinking the worst is over, that coulda been a really bad situation. Anyway. I go along and get to an escalator and as I look back this guy is following me. WTF.?. As I get up the stairs I realise this guy has paced so fast he's right behind me. I turn around ready to sock the shit outta him and then he whispers to me..."You have a very nice dick" while he licked his lips. Holy shit!!!! I couldn't belive it. Then he ran off into the abyss never to be seen again. I will say it again, I just couldn't beleive that shit. I felt like a piece of meat.
Now you understand why I couldnt get back to the place I just started working at and tell them some Dutch guy tried to mack on me. Phuck.
But I digress. So me and Annie went out to Hemisphere the other night:
This is Annie. I dont know if she's been on this blog before but yeah well there she is. We go back like waaaaaay back. 1993 I think. Check out the retard face I'm pulling. Tsk tsk tsk. Dont worry it get better.
So if you never been to Hemisphere before then this is what it looks like from inside out. It's like on the top floor of one of the buildings in the CBD. Fucken awesome view man.
And this is the vibe inside. Pretty schwanky...ish.
So you might be wondering why it is that the place we was at is so empty. Well, my pedigree chum let me tell you. See they had/have this special on that Millers is like R8 before midnight or something ridiculous like that. And being the student that I was at the time of these photo's being taken...well you can pretty much figure out what happened. We stacked up on tht shit.
Haha, this was some funny shit. SO I get outta the bathroom and i find Annie hanging in the hallway moonwalking to the ladies room. HAHA! Check the hands all semi-west sided out too. HA!
The gals lookin all phly and shit.
Yeah from here on it was all downhill. You can tell cause I started with the aerial shots of action. Thats when you know.