08 May 2007

What's good! Yeah, I'm straight. Just fresh from writing my first exam in like 4 years. Man, I need to increase my concentration levels adawise I'm gona be in serious trouble. For real! Some girl was telling me that it's all because I'm a Gemini and I cant focus on one thing for too long. Uhmm...yeah...whatever nigga! Well before I go on I need to at least let you know that I'm currently only able to post mini-posts cause we all know how time-consuming this can be. And with the way things are going time is the last thing I have to be consumed. So anyway run-check this!
So this was about a week ago I think and we was chilling out at Zula Cafe. Oh shit, before I actually go on I dont know if any of you know about CPT and its people? Phucken hippies man. Everywhere! WTF? I aint saying I'm hating or nothing but come on peeps, it motherphucken 2007. Anyway, this joint is cool, but it has hippy-ish tendencies. I'm just sayin...Anyway so we lounged(read: got phucken smasched!!!) and what not . Okay, so everybody who's pissed off that Amstel is no longer available please raise your hand. Okay, thats 1...5...12.. ...errr...thats erybody. Cool. Aint that some shit. How the fuck are they gonna take it away just like that? No warning or nuttin! Look I understand maybe Windhoek, or even Black Label(sorry Lebogang, HAHA) hell even Miller but not Amstel. And Peroni is nice...I guess. But I say that with a heavy heart.
Anyway so Liv-Luv was in town for a weekend. I kinda dig this pic cause she looks like a ghost innit? And how symbolic since she just ran right through CPT? you get it right? Umm...yeah...
As usual I was rollin wit my man Sneed, and the chap in the middle and Liv. I cant say the chap in the middles name cause I aint gotten approval yet but anyway.
And I saw another guy who was kinda trigger-hippie with his camera too(The guy in the black pants - the cat holding the cam in this pic is Lungz). Look dont get me wrong, I love the fact fact there are mad photographers out there but i dont know what to say to cats like that. This guy comes and starts telling me bout this Canon this and lighting that. Phuck guy, you do you and I'll do me mkay? Sumamabitch...

- We interupt this for a short commercial break -

I'm just giving ya'll a bit of a taste. There's more to come but for now I shall stay and consume myself within my books. Look the way I see it, I left a paycheck, a reasonbly good social life and familia back in JHB to do this shit so I'm gonna do it right, ya heard!



Anonymous said...

Yeah nukka wha be the goings on, nice to see you updating and all, yeah left cape town for that hippie factor myself and the books but cool take it easy
Pablo Boordevious

Champagne Heathen said...


And yeah, what on earth were the hippies giving you, considering at least two people have become ghost like in your photos!!!

When I lived in that town I was well known to mutter a single phrase fairly loudly. Especially when I went to clubs where the single unisex toilet lacked a door that closed, and half the patrons were barefoot - "Fucking Hippies".

ChewTheCud said...

It's cos you're a Gemini and Uranus is in the cusp of Saturn... Phuken Hippies!


Keep livin the life dewd!

Peas on Toast said...

Hello suavelicious

So how did the first exam go dollface?

Have you got your study spectacles on? ;)

Anonymous said...

Bordeevy! What's good man. i know, it took me a while but I'm back now. And how you gona bounce a week 'fore i get her. tsk tsk

Champy > SMOOOCHES! Haha, that makes me laugh. And it so tru, what the fuck is up wit people and no shoes on. I saw guy in the bathroom without his shoes. WTF! Say it with me now "Phucken Hippies!!!!" HAHAHA!

Chewy > Whats good man. Dude, I dont understand what you saying but...yeah...what you said. Get your ass down here mate...but we'll tear it up after I write.

PeasyPoo > Twas aight I guess but i'm not getting too excited just yet. I still got a GANG more to go. :-(

Anonymous said...

Well said.