Yeah I actually took a pic of my hands and my face just to give you an indication of what I had to go through but unfortunately left my equipment so there is no uploading today. Yes I know, bad guy! Anyway fuck it, I mean who wants to see my wrinkly, pruny mits anyway right? I guess I'll have to salvage that by showing you a pic of.... bitchin wheels!! Can you say PIMP MOBILE?!?! Yes fellas, tell your girlfriends to hide and warn your lady friends. Someone's about to get their heart broken. So hold onto your panties ladies!HAHAH! Yeah she's a sweet ride, but I'm still strugglin to get a name for her. Ive had a few but they were quite gay so if you have any then lemme know.
Damn, it's a pity I didnt take any pics of the weekend, but I solemly swear to do so soon and get a bit up-to-date picture thingy goin on the site. Many an escapade to be caught I promise ya! So have a coke and a smile and chill the fuck out...
Well, onward and forward my good lads, till the next update. 'El yay!