What is, what it do!!! After a long ass hiatus I is back. Yeah Ive neglected this baby for long enough and now I guess its that time to get back into it. Oh before I get going I'd just like to wish errbody, at least me since I'm probably the only one reading this, happy holidays(I guess that covers Christmas, new years and all the other ones). So yes Cape Town has been pretty good, so good in fact that I think I've porked out a bit. Got me the latest summer accessory - a boep. Okay its not exactly a big one but I'm getting there. I keep hearing people say that is one club I don't wanna join but I've been tryin to gain a lil summin-summin for a long ass time and now I've finally got one. Well I guess the pictures will tell the tale so I might be wrong but hey.
Oh and before I continue, I'm a bit rusty with ye ol fluffy so I'm gonna take it in my stride
So now there are so many things that have to be caught upon I wont do that just yet. Soon enough. Just recently me and the crew went to ye ol biscuit mill in Woodstock. Now for those that don't know, the mill has a food market that happens every Saturday morning that has some of the dopest foods, drinks and goodies from local producers and they all lay it out there and you come and enjoy. So...

Off we went the old biscuit mill. This has to be one of my most favourite buildings in the city. Its just so rustic and creep and old school with all these nooks and cranny's, make me feel like being on a set of some d-grade horror flick. Any way, I digress...

So yeah, now this place had been a hidden gem for me for the longest time. I tell you when I first discovered it, I just had to tell my friends about it cause it so cool. I always wondered what white people were getting up to so early on Saturday mornings and I finally found out. Its a great place to knock out a hangover.

Oh and they also have one of my favourite South African beers, Jack Black, in the ice cold barrel. You just cant deny how dope this spot is.

So I rolled through with The Maverick,

Princess Meemi, Jimmy Flexx,

The Pied Piper and Mahal.

They've even got some band playing there to set the mood and stuff.

Anyway so we got down to the chowing some good ol butter chicken curry and thai green wrap and original pizza on flat crispy bread and some dope ass Portuguese cervesas.

Anyway we chilled and the Maverick got politicking with her buddy while we all hanged and talked shit.

And my mans Sneed came through too.

So after that we figured, fuck it, the day is young why don't we do ourselves a favour and head on over to the beach. So we headed over to Clifton 2nd. I don't know about any other Cape Dronians but I much rather prefer 2nd beach to 4th for a couple of reasons. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not keen on being a poser. And I'm especially not keen on posing all with other posers like on 4th. And of course 2nd is a certified topless beach too, so I'm sure we know which way the scale tips in this regard.

Also the scenery is really nice...

...really REALLY nice.

So we hanged some more, talked a bit of more shit

ate a coupla peaches, stuck some grapes up our noses

and threw up gang signs like we know what we talkin bout.

Took out the bat and started smacking it around and shit. This was actually pretty cool cause I got the fells to start doing some acrobatic stunts like Jonty Rhodes for the camera and we had some pretty good results too. I'll show them to you later though, I'm a bit lazy right now.

Then we packed up our shit and headed on home. Woohoo!
Next time I'll put a bit more effort into my blog post cause, like I said before, I'm a bit rusty and lazy too so I didn't pack the full punch I normally do. Till next time
Onward and forward!