PS - I'm still in JHB and will be leaving end of January. Keep a lookout as to when I'll be having a little bit of a goodbye Joburg gathering. You're all get me drunk of course! HAHA!
PPS - If you are a Gauteng resident or will be around soon then do yourself a favour and go check out my boy Loy's show at the end of the month. Probably one the funniest shows you'l go to in your life. Believe the hype! And dont say nobody told you m'kay!

December 14th 2006 - Homechillin
December 15th 2006 - The Blogger Meet
So the much publicised and anticipated Blogger meet went down(oh and just so you know, I have decided to refrain from posting a lot of the pics cause a lotta people would prefer to keep their anonimity). I went through with the Twiggle guy to run-check the shit. Saw me mate Chewy in the mix with that heavy Moz rum. I saw those bottles there too, going for about R17 a bottle. Dude, that is some good shit. Strong but good. Get a fresh coconut, some juice, crushed ice and the RHUM and you good to go.
The bloggers. Check out the caps that the Ostendo guys hooked up for us! Absolut Blogger. I didn't think they were being serious bout it but they pulled it through though. Crazy!
The Chump Guy and The Woza guy.
And the competition. HAHAHA, I keed! This be the Aquila guy snappin me snappin him.
I think this is point when things took a turn for the worst. Seriously, my behaviour just took a left turn at this point see...the liks hitme with and upper cut right-left-hook combo. It was over from there
HAHAHA!!! So get this right, we were doing the whole V sign thing with a friend and then I was trying to be all funny-like and stick my tongue out to the V cause I'm sick(and freaky) like that. See, I told you that this was when things went all fucked up. So anyway, as I'm doing this my tongue get a little too close to her finger and then my tongue and her fingers accidentally touched. HAHAHA! So if you look closely this is the before shot as I'm trying to pose for the camera...
...and this is the after! Oh my, how embarassing! Look at my face trying to cover my embarrassment and also to stop from cracking the fuck up! And you can almost see the lady pulling a real "WTF Dude?" expression but still managing to slyly keep herself out of the camera's eye. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! If you're reading Champs, I'm sowwy!
There's the main man of the moment. Thanks again for putting erything together Big-D! You were, are and still will be the man! PS - I got you you good on this pic my bra!
Can you tell that we're a bitjie shitfaced? Yay holidays!
Yup...definately! HAHAHA! Chewy: Original Cold Lamping Gangsta!
I was probably saying something like: "Hey! Yeah you with the beers. Yeah I'd like two man! What you mean they aren't for me? Is it cause I is black?"
So Chewy took me and the Twiggle guy to his friends place cause they were having a proper drinking session.
This is the guy who's house it was...I think. Check his T. Fucken awesome it is!
I think he wasn't very happy to see us. HAHA! no seriously, I dont know what was going on here but I suspect that the buvvly had something to do with it.
And then there was this guy. Dont know who he was but we chilling and chatting and shit and then...
...he just flips the script on us on some other walrus type shit. I dont know what these guys were on but I wanted some.
And another guy looking all Hollywood indie-like.
...and this chick. She was killing all the guys at the house! HAHA, it was actually quite funny to watch cause her brother is one of the friends and his little sister is just so damn fine. I saw a lot of guys loosing color. Guess rule Number 5 of the INTERNATIONAL RULES OF MANHOOD
5. If you've known a bloke for more than 24 hours, his sister is off limits forever, unless you actually marry her.
still applies. I dont know why guys do that though. Knowing their sister is a hottie but still bring them into the lions den. Udunno.Nice one Chewy! Getting us all even more drunk than we were before. Muchos appreciados mochaco!
This was the heavy ass concoction of a punch that everyone was on! It's reminds me of when I was in High School and we'd just mix in all types of liquor into a bowl hoping that the more different typsa ingredients we put in would get us even more drunk. This punch took me right back to the The Jam next to the Ferrari store in CPT. Heavy days!
Yeah the effects were felt all over. Someone once told me that even when I'm dead-drunk I look sober. I kinda see why she'd say that now. Look at me. Hard. As. Fucken. Nails. Cant say much for the guy in the middle though. HAHA!
Alcohol'll make you do some crazy things, like jump all over you friend in a drunken haze and start wrestling for no reason. Lets just hope these guys didnt wake up in each other's arms the next day. HAHA, I'm only kidding!
So we decided to bounce and I forgot where we went but we bumped into a coupla people in some neighbourhood at some place. I want to take this opportunity to apologize for any wrong that I did that night guys. You probably don't even remember me and to be honest I don't remember what I did or said but I know I woke up feeling really shitty about something the next day. So whatever it was, I apologize for my actions and well...yeah it'll never happen again. So in closing, next time just get me the fucken beer m'kay? HAHA, jokes!
Thank gawd for Kernel Sanders. Especially cold. A real life saver on days like these!
December 20th 2006 - The Kung Fu Joint
I linked up with the jedi Obiwan Kenobi, V and the Twiggle guy to this nice little Chinese restauranty in Melville. They got some real nice chow over there and probably the best springrolls I have ever had! Oh and they also had...
...mothereffin Karaoke! Now please do try and remember the I'm a karaoke virgin so this is why I was so excited. Dont judge me. But I gotta say that it was a blast and a whole lot more fun than I had ever thought it would be.
So there were a whole bunch of other chicks there who were on a girls night out who were ripping it apart on the mic. Some were good, some were not so good. But it's all in the spirit of fun innit? And get this, I thought I was really horrible on the mic but after my own rendition of Bob Marley's "No Woman No Cry" I got a shot of sake from the shorty's for my efforts. Noice!
Speaking of which, this guy went and got this evil little concoction called Kung Fu Jwa Joo. At least thats what it sounds like to me, I could be getting it all completely wrong. Some other type sake. Kids, if you have never listened to me before listen to me now: This shit is hectic! Stay far away from it! Seriously.
Ironically it was served by the sweetest lady this far south of Bangkok. She is just a little bundle of joy she is that we actually went back after cause she made us feel so welcome at her beloved establishment. I think her name was Lilly or something like that.
And of course I was rolling wit me-Julie.
Looking as zexy as she wana look. Grrr! I was teasing her about how she always has one expression when she takes photo's and doesnt change her expression and she didnt take very lightly to it. I think that's why she came with the I'm-all-innocent-but sexy-as-hell-with-a-finger-in-the-mouth pose. While I posed all pondering-like into the distance.
Next thing you know this guy pulls out the devil-incarnate outta the box and says its time for the Kung Fu Jwa Joo. Can you see the little horns and tail on the thing? HAHA!
So hear I go. Cause you can't be a punk in front of your lady namean. You take it like a man. Little did I know that the thing was all like: "KUNG FU!!!....
...FUCK YOU!!! (evil laugh)BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" Can you tell I'm suffering over here? Look at my vein and shit poppin out!
Obiwan and V were trying serenading all nicely on the M.I.C. I dont remember this part though cause things got very hazy round that time.
And then next thing I remember was that we were at Tokyo Star and I was holding a bag and looking really fagooty. I hate holding woman's bags. Please dont shoot me or anything but I just hat it. Please, never again.
...isn't that just so...
...cute. I'm just sayin.
Oh wait, I do remember this. I had just sat on some water(at last I hope it was water) and it had stained the whole back of me T-shirt and I was showing me-Julie the big wetspot. I dont know why someone took this pic but for some reason I really dig it. That's of course if you ignore the armpit thats starin in your face.
The Twiggle guy and Obiwan Kenobi wrestling for the number. HAHA! "I got it dude"; "No fuck that, I got it!" HAHA!
Yeah I think it was pretty much a knockout for all of us from here. KO! Besides I have more pics but I don't wana incriminate nobody else cept for myself. I mean I aint no Shwashwi! HAHA! It would definately be a juicy piece to portray to the world but I'd rather not cause I'm a nice guy like that.
December 22 2006 - The Pickup
So I was camping out at Twiggle joint and then I heard that his sister was coming back from North Carolina that day.
So we went and scooped her up after waiting for about 3 hours at the airport then we went out and caught a drink and caught up on some shit.
Ooooh. Artsy!
FetsTheOne had brought back these Mardi Gras beads from up there and for some or other reason I was quite facinated by them. Check out the artsy green & gold yo!
Anyway so we chilled out...
And talked more smack about this and that.
Bumped into this chap there too.
December 23 2006 - Fireworks
So The Rock...
...and The Zin...
...came through to come check out the fireworks that we got.
The ones on the bottom left were really shitty but the rockets on the top right were SO fucken dope! I mean these babies go for about R150 a pop so we knew they going to be awesome.
We started off small and, well, like I said some were really lame.
and then it got a bit better
but only just. We blasted off all the really big ones and that was the main attraction. Fuggen awesome I tell you! But I tried to capture them on camera but my kak digicam wasnt trying to hear of waht I was sayin so no big explosions for you. Ah well, maybe next time.
Then we were left with all the little ones. These hand held ones were real cool. Almost burnt off one of my eyebrows though but were still cool.
And then of course the little sparkles. Not impressive but they make for good photos.