26 October 2006



Before I go along with the post I'd just like to say that I am a little sad about having lost the singing sensation Lebo Mathosa. Sure this is about a week late but it's better late than never innit? Anyway, I had met Lebo a coupla times and seen her perform too. One of the most electrifying performers on stage I is ever seen. A right cool chick who had the world as her oyster. It really is a sad sad time for South African's to have lost such an inspiring woman. You will be missed and never forgotten.

Okay now let's keep it moving and get along with the post.

Friday 20 October - The Mix

Now this time of the month is never a time when a lot of us have dosh in our pocket. So I'm loungin at the crib staring at a boring night at home watching cheesy porno's on E-tv and eating Pick 'n Pay chicken when...
...these mofo's rock up to the Cabana holding forty's and shit. So I'm thinking, should I protest and act all hard when cats are trying to say let's go get out drink on? Uhm...nah! Never that! Well they really didn't know where they were goin, they were just getting into the car and going and getting their drink on. We ended up at Fuel Cafe. Not exactly my cuppa, but hey. Whatever.After I had taken these pics I looked back at them and I noticed the creepy look Knuckles had in his eye. What The Fuck? Erm listen guy, I'm sorry if this disappoints you but I don't swing that way. HAHAHA! No but seriously.Bumped into my main man TrouserSnake Dave. Do yourself a favour and support my boys' latest project. Dont ever say I didn't tell neh? You wont regret it! If you forget then click on the Bunny Chow link on the right -----> Go on, do it now! Go!Also saw VDub who wanted to break out into a broo-ha-ha with the mountain man at the door. Dude, I thought I was a tall guy but this guy. Jeeziz! And if you look right, he about a whole head taller than VDub. Actually a head and a bit of change. HAHA!
The vibe

And then this. I'm stuck with Blowfish looking like he's from from The Contender & Stone Cold. Umm...yeah, dont ask and I wont tell you.
Then bumped into G-Hill. I dont know what they were putting in the drinks that night but if it makes you look like this then I dont want any. HAHA!

The Rock too? What going on in this place. Someone's put the Kaybash on these fella's. Have I stepped into the twilight zone or what?

But the Zin was lookin fresh as a daisy! Eyes wide shut.

Twaz a kinda pap vibe so we saddle up our shit and went to Cappello's. Pap vibe as well.

But it was fucken raining bats & doves out there. And they wanted me to pay 50 bucks to get into a place that wasnt even all that happening. AND it was like mad late too, like 2 inna mornin or sumfin. Shit, I told the guy at the door he could teabag me. He didnt understand but he didn't look too happy about it either.

On the way home went past Melville. Okay I know, but it's the only place that's open till late where you can get a drink. No?

Jezzir. Prolly the best place on the whole of 7th Avenue. Okay maybe not but...still a cool place.

The fella's had skipped out on Capello's and went straight to the source.

Base in the house lookin pretty as always. As she so eloquently put's it: "Hollerization!" HAHA! Cracks me up everyttime.

These are the twins. Can you tell? Man I SO fucken wish I had a twin. The things I would do! Think about it, what would you do if you had a twin. For one, I'd switch a day at work with him, just for kicks. Now that's interesting. Then I'd switch girls and we could...actually nevermind

Remember the link --->

Oh and if anything dodgy has ever gone down in my stay in Jozi and you thought I was involved then you're completly mistaken. It was this guy! So please kindly forward all your complaints to him and he will be happily obliged to assist you in your query. Hehe...Dull night, except when we went to the gas station and bumped into McZzzz. Oooooh! Exciting life I lead dont I? HAHA!

Tuesday 24 October - The Move

So I was packing my shit cause I'm moving outta my place at the end of the month and I noticed all the fucken bottles we have amassed over the last year. OMFG! Yeah, welcome to the Liks Club.

Wednesday 25 October - The Bowls

Got a kite to make my way straight to the Bowls on the hottest day ever! Seriously, it was like 33 degress or some shit.

I proper left work and sliced through traffic on the Vespa to get there. Man, I tell you, fuck all the complaining I've been doing about the it. It's fucken great during summer! Fo' true! Got there and this guy was there...

...and so was this guy...

...and these guys. Doesn't that just look oh-so-fucken-beautiful? Fuck, I think I'm thirsty now. Anyway, I was so caught up in the beer that I forgot that people were coming to view the house and I was like an hour late. Ah well..

...Post To Be Continued Soon...


Anonymous said...

Glad to see the weekend was good. Sorry we missed you on Sat...

Suavé said...

This was actually last weekend Jam. My gawd this last weekend was just too hectic with the move and all! I popped you a mailtjie so go check it out.

Anonymous said...

The Liks Club. I love it...

And a bucket of beer on ice.. on a Wednesday. nioce one!

Heartwarmer said...

They wanted you to pay R50 at 2am. What were they smoking? Ludacris. If this was the Newtown Capellos - you should have gone to the back...through where the toilets are and gotten your ass in for free. Ofcourse you always run the risk of being kicked out...

Suavé said...

Duke > Due, you're welcome to join us. We're always looking for new members!

Heartwarmer > Only now you tell me. If I had known then I wouldn'ta run into my problems. But thanks anyway, I'll remember it for next time...if there ever is one. I'm still laughing that I told the guy to teabag me. HAHA!

Anonymous said...

...ehh joe, why u sharing our secrets!!!

Anonymous said...

yo call twiggle man.
im up and ready to go im finally on line.hooray.twiggle out.

Suavé said...

Anon > Why you gotsa be like that? The Lord says we must share so that's all we doing. Besides, I would let you know if I had somthing worth knowing

Twiggle > HOORAY!!! HAHAHA! Bout fucken time buddy, now you can speak for yourself.


Anonymous said...

ya man, ya.

Anonymous said...

Yeh, knuckles looks like he wants to bite you.

Suavé said...

Syph > Yo wsup man! Dude, I been trying to get a hold of your ass. Hit me up on thatsuaveguy@gmail.com and drop me your digits. We needs to hang my man! Holleration!!

Freak > Dude, tell me bout it! I asked him bout it and he figures it was a momentary lapse in pschycotic behaviour. HAHA! Pscychotic behaviour? Yeah, right!

Anonymous said...

So Suave where you at???

Anonymous said...


BaseMental xx

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