02 August 2006

The Coldest Day Of The Phucken Year

This was on top of my brother's car this mornin'. So much for summer.
Phuck....it's cold.


Peas on Toast said...

It's too much.

Suavé said...

Tell me bout it!

Anonymous said...

its a damn blizzard out here, snowing in parts of randburg,alex and eldos ! gutdaimitmain!!!!im getting frostbite just typing ...

Suavé said...

Yeah I'm just waiting for it to snow out here in Sandton then Imma post. Cause I'm a nice guy like that!

Buzzing'Fly said...

It did Kinda snow in Sandton Fluffel... i was sitting in a meeting and all of a sudden everyone jumps up saying "its snowing its snowing", all i saw was sleet. Got all excitable 4 nuthing.

But man ITS DAMN DAMN freezing, thank goodness gracious 4 temp control...

And i wanted to do the Jazz tonight, dunno so much....

janine_j said...

it must be fucking freezing, dude, but i'm jealous, jealous, jealous. i wanna play in the snow!!!

Suavé said...

Buzz > Yeah I just heard actually. Too bad I missed it. Either way it doesnt deter from the fact that it's so cold! And this flu is not helping either. *sigh*

Retro > It's easy to say you wana play in the snow when you not in the cold. Trust me, if you were here you wouldnt be saying that.

Daedalus said...

Do not park it outside ;)

sunshine said...

Yeah it bloody freezing...u know i've been thinking of something else peeps can chat about...but the reality is as soon as u step outside or look out the window u can't help but exclaim to how freaking cold it is... :)

Suavé said...

D > Yeah dude, we live in one of 'em complexy things so parking inside is a no-no. *sigh*

Just Be > DUDE! Moer man, di ya bowa monna! And can you beleive I gotta take a cab home cause I still aint picked up my bike. Curses! I mean phuck that, I aint even trying to ride in this cold> You must be out your damn mind!

Pammy > Oops! Shit, you know I've been thinking of doing it but I always end up doing someting else(like checking your sizzling hot posts...GRRR!). 'Kay, gimme a coupla coupla. You'll be on there my sweet!

Suavé said...


sunshine said...

...joe are u telling me you were seriously even considering riding on ur Vespa in the cold...
U see...for me, its on days like this it doesn't make sense owning one of those...mara i'm sure you have a sound reason for owning one of those...

Daedalus said...

Suave, Ditto ... but @least mine is under a shade net :)

Heartwarmer said...

I don't understand what the fuss is about guys.
I mean I heard it snowed in Sandton and some part of Parkhurst or something - other provinces too (emails were already circulating with pics), but I've felt worse cold...

guppa said...

jozi- snow- jeesum!!!
my current debate- would i rather be in 43 degree heat where i'm at or freezing in jozi.
mmm.. its made me less homesick

Buzzing'Fly said...

SuaVE, how many times do i have to tell you not to keep the freaken FREEZER door open???

Do you want a spanking... ;)

Suavé said...

Just Be > Okay now you're just talking crazy! I wouldnt be caught dead on that bike right now. Even if I got paid. But I see where you coming from. I only got it to get to and from work. Beleive me, it comes in handy!

D > Lucky bugger!

Heartwarmer > When I was growing up in Bloem it also snowed once and I went to school in shorts and high socks. Back then I thought I could handle all types of cold. But this...haai ke! It's bordering on too much I say.

Guppa > Say what? 43 degrees? Gawd damn dude! That's insane right there. Actually in that case I'd rather be down here. this cold will pass, sooner or later.

Buzz > I'm sowwy. Pweeze ma'am, I wont dowit awgain. Pwomise. Owkay dont spank too hawd owkay?
**bends over expectantly for a tooshy spanking**

Buzzing'Fly said...

U like it dont you, just hold that position.. im going to get my wooden spoon!!

u been a naughty boy ;):

Suavé said...

Oooh Buzz...you are such a tease! The anticipation is killing me! I been a bad bad boy I know, please be gentle. LOL!

Buzzing'Fly said...

Ill try fluff but not sure that u deserve it...

A good spanking and the naughty corner untill you redeem yourself, whilst u at it, best u turn the heat up in here... ;)

Suavé said...

I think you've already turned he heat up Buzz! Phew, is it getting warm in hear or is it just me?

Buzzing'Fly said...

he he... ;)

now smile Suave or ull get another one. this time with my big paddle...

Suavé said...
