...so we got there and DAMN it was quite packed. Yes I know I haven't changed clothes since the day before. So what? Why the judement, it's not like you have never done it before? Ntl!
I was well twisted at this stage so everything around me was more or less just one big buzz. Like a giant fly just hanging around my head. If you look closer you'll notice that I look like I'm focusing on something, when in actual fact I'm focusing on nothing at all!! HAHA.
If you squint good and proper then you can probably see the starting line for the box carts right up at the top of Jan Smuts. At least I think this was where the top was. I only figured that cause...
...the finish line was down here. DUH! Now I dont know about you but I you were in my shoes then you would be so much more comfortable down here by the finish line than the starting line purely because there was no walking to be done. Besides I dont think my legs would have allowed it. Except maybe to get a chow. But that's it.
There goes one of those fella's. Wheeeeeee!!!!! It looks like fun but it's not what I imagined. I thought it was going to be all fast and slick and shit and all these guys would be fighting for the number one spot. Instead there was generally only one cart that was good enough to get to the end with the other one either crashing at the begining or not even making it out of the woodworks. Suckers.
So anyway we decide to sit down enjoy the scenery...
...and check out the shit via the big screen or whatever. Good idea right? Definately cause...
...when I looked behind me and I see none other than Alberton Massive in the house. HAHAHAHA!!!! Check him out, he's even got the whole entourage thing down. Classic. I wonder if this is how they roll in Alberton. I know they do in Bloem. How's about a close up, go on...
...look at him! I woulnt be surprised if his name was Bokjol van Heerden or sumthin. LOL! But for real though, guys like this used to make me shit my pants as a kid. SEERIUS!
Liv-Luv and Geezy were just as crunk as I was. Actually they could have been even more crunk though. Yes, it quite possibly could have been so.
So all of a sudden the Geezy pulls out the corny poses with the quickness! Remember the Pace Magazine Poses from a coupla months back? He saw the pics and figured we didnt't know how to pull out the poses for real so he came out with a vengance to show us all its done. Ths is the classis "holding-a-leaf" pose. If you black then you know all about this shit yo!
Think you can bring it huh bitch? Shit you aint got nothing on this beeyatch!!!! HAHA!
Okay maybe you do. HAHAHAHA!! Cat looks like he be straight out of Gugulethu or Langa!
Okay Geezy, now you're just trying to embarass the rest of us with your almighty poses innit?? It's got that Velaphi/Chuck Norris vibe going on to it doesnt it?
Geezy was by far the most entertaining guy of the day! No offense to the chap but I mean he kept us all in stiches the whole time while doing his antics and just generally being a menace to the society. I dont know who the guy is but he looks kinda entertained too.
There were one of those new Seat cars from Japan or Spain(I think) on show and he calls over a couple of kids walking around to showcase the vehicle. He would say shit like "Aerodynamically suited to fit your Gluteus Maximus" or "Panoramic view of the birds shitting on your roof" and shit like that. Crazy I tell ya.
And he also added a bit of a pose to the mix too just to show that he 'knows' what he's talking about. You can't sell a car that you can't pose in can you?
And then next thing you know he's pointing to the right with a look in his eye that I've never seen before. What could it be? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO! Its...
...motherphucken Koos Norris!!! What the Fuck?!?!? HAHAHA! Okay maybe I'm a bit behind in the trends of the world but is this the new fashion? And where exactly is this fashion goin on? Tweespruit?
Ah well, you spotted him, strike a pose with the chap sohn! He was a cool guy though, he even had...
...some bling. Play on playa! I'm sure you're killing the gurls out there innit.
Um yeah...you know what they say about women with big ears right?
As we were about to bounce I noticed this rather appealing mound of hay on the side and decided to jump into the shit just cause I can. And I was soon followed by the rest. Obviously I wasnt in the pic cause I had to take a pic. Selfish guys wanted all the fun. But yeah, I wouldnt suggest this to anyone else. That hay is fucken hard!!!
Geezy was loving it.
So we were walking down the road cause we figured that the whole extravaganza wasnt as exciting as I thought it would be. Now if you look right down the road then you'll notice that the whole road is filled with cars who has parked the same way as us. That didnt stop Five-Oh(thats police officers to you son!) from...
...handing out their pink slips to us and all the cars parked on the road. The fuckers! You'd think that because it was an event that they'd be a bit lenient on the public. Nope, no luck with that.
"The biggest racists aren't white against blacks or even any other race against blacks. The biggest racists are blacks against other blacks" - Suave
I dont care who I offend with the above statement, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Fok Daai Ding!!!! You might recognise these chaps, you might not. They are the reason for my anger. Just let me catch them in the streets, I swear! So we strolling along and I spotted this chap over here. There are many things that I was thinking of saying about the guy but I figure I'll just keep my mouth shut cause he was quite a cool cat. A Gentle Giant so to speak.
Casual strikes a pose with the guy. Remember that song in the movie Shaka:
"We are going, going higher and higher!". This reminds me of it for it some reson.Liv-Luv was not impressed with the ticket she had just received. Geezy was there for a comforting word or two. But it wasn't that bad though. Just a hundred bucks.
As we chilling I spot yet another well dressed chappy who decided to show to the world how unbelievably stylish he was. It's a pity I didnt take a full-bodied pic cause the rest of the outfit was quite a laugh. Actually I lie, it was hilarious! Alas, no such luck...
Anyway we ended of the evening with a beer in the sun with some good conversation. Oh and I ended chatting to some girl who claims to be an underwear model. Here's crossing finger's!