To my advantage at least I have a nice setup at the crib to chill the fuck out. You know, a little bit of Playstation, some DSTV a bunch of DVD's on tap and a fridge full of food. The Roy came thru to help a brother through the rough times *cough* *cough*. Just cause I was sick doesn't mean I couldnt whup his ass at Fifa 2005. Muthafucka What?
I'm Rick James Bitch!
Had to take the Little Roy to The South Western Township to see him familia so I thought riding shotgun wouldnt hurt. He was proper set with his mini-bike and all.On the way back we saw these cats who were getting themselves warmth for the evening. Check out how tiny the guys are and how big their fire is. Damn. It sure is cold in the streets. Never forget to count your blessings Suave!
Anyway we passed by Newtown to go see the book launch for Zakes Mda. Never thought I'd say this but I've have gained a new found respect for hippie-artsy chicks. That Zakes sure can pull them in.
So after a lot of protest I was eventually convinced to go by the Bowls and get one cold one to knock out my cold. These chicks come up to Roy and their like "Hey you look famous". He was like "Well...uhm no". They were like "Well dont you want to take a picture with us?". He's all like "OK". This of course is his version of events but I think it went a little more differently. I only posted the pic cause they're a bunch of hotties. And of course The Roy is the Mojo Mascot.
Once again I bumped into my Main Man J! I always seem to find him where the brewskies is at. It's all good though. We go way back we do.
Anyway my girl B and Crazy Girl K were there too. If you think I'm just saying this cause she's crazy in a cool-party-girl-lookin-for-a-good-time way then you're wrong. She crazy. Jezzir!
Friday was an alright day but I spent it in a horizontal position on my couch playing GTA San Andreas and watching the World Cup too.
*Side Note* Speaking of the World Cup. Yeah I must just give a special mention to our Boys out in Ghana for representing for Africa and kicking Croatia's ass. And rather convincingly as well. Well done fella's. Too bad for the cats in Ivory Coast. I won't lie though, the Dutch played hard BUT I would like to say that the Colombian referee was a bit biased. Actually fuck that he was VERY biased. Did I mention he was Colombian? I couldnt believe how blatant that shit was! I can't help but think that there was a slight bit of racism going on there. Cause half the shit IC got blown for, Netherlands did as well but didnt get blown for. Fucker!
Oh and Braza had a nice game too. But The Boys down Under gave them a run for their money.
Saturday was a well spent day if I say so myself. Sure we didnt exactly braai or nothing like that but we did have a bit of a cookout. I seem to have a problem of always eating but never gaining any weight. So when anyone mentions a cook-out or anything remotly related to food I start to drool like Homer Simpson so......The Roy, Jay and Nita and myself allocated ourselves to the kitchen duties and hooked ourselves the fuck up.
Normally I'd show the end product but I'm just gonsta get to the good part of the whole meal...the chicken. What would the black man do without chicken huh?
Yeah after the business was done we got down and dirty to a game of cards. I think it was called Uno or something like that. And Jays little brother(Little Jay) was there with his friend. Dude, look at his eyes. He's got some bluish shit going on in there. Apparently hes been like that since birth. At first it freaked me out but after looking at it for a while it's kinda cool. I lie, it still freaks me out.
Me getting my "Get a load of this chick" face on. She thought she could kick my ass. Yeah right!
Uh-oh. The drinking games have begun. Thank gawd for the Southerns otherwise I wouldnt have been able to walk after that.
After the drinking games we decided to hit the streets. Nita getting herself ready for the night. Man it sure sucks being a chick huh? Hair, nails, make-up, lips, eyes. The list goes on and on and on...
But the final product goes a long way I suppose. She pretty. She got nuthin on Ms DSL but pretty nonetheless.
So we bumped into Snow and Mody round the way. Her eyes were all red cause she had just heard some bad news about her Moms. But I'm happy to report that all is well though. Thank God. Anyway she was this new cat that she's dating. Hello Mr Insecurity! I've never met a more insecure guy in my life. I won't even acknowledge the fucker by mentioning anything more about him.
Nigga what?
Yup, the liks were flowing alrightMak, Ogeezy, The Roy
The Mojo Mascot gets his mack on.
Now I couldnt be left far behind either. Suave on the J.O.B.B.
Dont ask me, I dont know what's the gonzo here.
PS - Darkness, everybody. Darkness is spreading!
El Yay!
So I sneaked in and grabbed a titty. I thought I would have got a big ol' smack on the noggin for doing something like that but all I got was encouragement. Holla!
Suave and Sugar-Ray-Nuts.
So I was complaining to the Soulman how I never get a good pic of him and how his eyes are always closed when I do. This is the best he could do. Once again the eyes are closed. Tsk tsk. But Jheri Curl suits you tho dawg.
So went to the titty bar on the way home(cause we had itchy fingers and nobody really wanted to go home) and then I was seriously contemplating wether I should take any pics inside. Dont ask me why but at the time it made perfect sense. Little did I realise that if a flash was to go off in the titty bar with one of the hoes doing her thing then I would most likely get assaulted by some big ass Nigerian cat with smelly armpits and hands the size of spades and also my camera would probably be confiscated.
Wisely this was the last pic I took just before we got inside.
The night was done and so were we. Good times I tell ya. Good Times.
Catch ya on the flip.
Twas a lovley long weekend hey, jam packed. I was in durb, catching some rays and chillaxing. sad to be back in the cold, back in the office... ;(
As 4 the footi, great great games. Austr really gave my boyz a run for their $ and Ghana, man was that a awesome game. Go AFRICA.
and did you catch that Argentina game, eish... 6 - 0 to Serbia.
Its getting interesting now... real juicy :)
Oh wow, you were in Durbz? Dope man. Sun in the fun huh...I just hate the humidity there though.
Yeah I could see your boys really sweating it out there 'gainst the Ozzies. And Ghana. Man oh man! What a game.
What you expect with Argentina against Serbia? I mean come on...I was not suprised though.
Did you see the IC game? Was it just me or was the referree really being heavily biased there? I feel cheated
true true bout Argentina, but still crazy...
Missed the end of the IC game, but caught the 3 goals. All happened so fast. What the ref do?? You cant trust them Columbians ;)
Man that orange presence in the stadium was intimidating hey… from what I did see, IC played a good game.
That's what I said about the Colombians as well. Cant trust em for shit... :) Even if Pablo Escobar is a goner.
Yeah but you must also remember that IC and the Netherlands both have orange as their supporting colours. So I can see how you could have mistaken it for an overwhelming NL presence
right... k, had to put my shades on was so bright.. jokes. k that makes sense.
get paid friday yayaYAY, week b4 payday kills me... very end onf the proverbial "salty crack box"! epha...
HAHA! You funny...the salty-crack box. LOL! Yeah well that's why I invested in those little cans of tuna. Doent sound appetising I know but they come in handy at these times.
Damn you lucky aint ya. Im only getting paid in a week. Phuck. Promise me one thing, you'll dedicate a round to me while I mope around at home wishing I had been paid? Pwetty pweeze ne?
That sucks, will totally do that 4 you, sure thing. Me and my uncles 'jack' and 'jose' shall be celebrating in style...
and then theres the football... nice
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