Orale Essay! So The Roy and the rest of us had decided that we go out and go horse riding on a Sunday. But somewhere between everything else that was going on we decided to go out to Lanseria to get some paintball action instead.
We rallied the troops together and got our asses out thuur. The Roy with the full-on Daishiki.
Riding shotgun was Ogeezy with Laz, Sneed and Sim.
Little Roy was also in full effect...
...with his partner in crime, Little 'Z. If you've ever watched the movie City Of God then you'll have a pretty good idea why we call this kid Little 'Z. Okay, in the flick he was Lil' Wayne first(I think) then changed his name to Lil Z. This kid is so hardcore for a (?)7(?) year old. He actually tells chicks off if he dont like them and complains at resturants about service. Can you beleive that shit? He dont fuck around I tell ya

So as we were on the way out he gets concked the fuck out from the heat in the car I guess. I can't hate cause this has happened to me too. He was literally just sitting there and then next thing you know his head just falls forward onto the seat. KTFO!(Knocked The Fuck Out). Since we the kind of peeps that like fucking with people who are asleep, we figured that a little kid is no exception and a little fun was in order. So...

Someone had the bright idea of putting a ciggie in the mouth just to see if he'd wake up or not. Nothing. So it was an okay little somethin-somethin but we had to take it up a notch. Since there always seems to be one at hand we decided to polish off the shot with...

...an ice cold beer! HAHAHA!!! Sofa King Funny! Little'Z in full effect!
Addendum: No children were hurt or consumed any substances that are not good for them at all. Promise! Cross my heart and hope to die.
This is Nita(Grrr!) who I know thru Jay. They actually had also come thru with us to the Black Eyed Peas Concert but she doesnt like the camera that much. So this is me catching her off guard. You can kinda see how much of an unsmiley like face she makes. Or is that just the game face?

Me and Geezy get our game face on fo' real! With an Ice Cold brewskie there for motivation! You know a cat's serious when he's chewing on a straw and staring into oblivion and mumbling a bit to himself.

Now Jay(on the right) is no chick to fuck with either. Last time we were at this spot we went go-carting and she PROPER kiced all our asses! I seriously mean all of us. Boys included. I've learned never to judge a book by its gender cause she does not fuck around. At least I was able to get her on my side for the shoot-out cause that's some force you want on your side. Especially since we ended up out-numbered.

The place we were at had some of the most amazing food for MAD cheap too! I'm serious. You get like a full on munchie pack kitted with ribs, wings, wors, chips and dipping sauce for only R30. If you ever have a chance, go check it out. So we got our grub on and went to get geared up cause the sun was on its way down. Bellies full and ready to kill we got...

...locked and loaded. Well those that know me know that I'm quite a tall cat. And the only thing that pissed me off when I was at that spot was how small their freackin overalls were. I mean seriously, cant these muthafucka's try and accomodate for all types. What if I was a really fat dude? Then I still cant play? Anyway, guess its not a big deal. There are worse things happening in the world innit?

So the whole time I'm standing there getting ready to battle I'm having all these thought about being out on the battlefield and killing muthafucka's like that movie Saving Private Ryan or even Full Metal Jacket. Or even better yet, those flicks of yesteryear like Rambo or Commando were you go all out on your ace and just kill a whole team of soldiers. So I'm picturing myself just going in there with a crazy ass look on my face and sweat running all over my face, paint ball residue all over my overalls and screaming "Welcome To Hell Bitches!!!!" at the top of my lungs. Look at the look in my eye! LOL!

We came outta there as sweaty, funky ass mutherfucka's. Happy as we wana be. So when we played I dont know how the fuck it happened but I didnt get shot once. That's me and my ivasive skills comin to play. Ogeezy got shot the most times while me and Jay never got shot once. Oh I lie, Jay got shot one right in the neck. Ouch! I think there's still a mark on her neck. Sorry bout that Jay, I know I was meant to have your back but hey...every man for himself. You too Geezy :(
This once again was the point were my batteries decided to die. I really need to be a bit more prepared for these things.
Suave - love the little guy, bless! :)
Also, saw on Muddle's blog it's your birthday today isn't it? Well if so, happy, happy big guy! Hope you're celebrating aptly!
Peas xx
Hey Suave - Happy Birthday dude!
Awww yeah! Thats right!
Thanks guys **sniffle** thats so sweet. Now where the tequila's at?
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